_Added in 1.9.0_ *$md5(text|&binvar|filename,[N])* Returns a md5 hash value for the specified data. *Parameters* table(ktable). |*Parameter*|*Description*| | text|&binvar|filename | The text or &binvar or filename to calculate. | | [N] | The type to calculate N = 0 for plain text (default), 1 for &binvar, 2 for filename (optional) | *Example*
; calculate a md5 hash of the text 'Hello World'
//echo -ag The MD5 hash for Hello World is $md5(Hello World)

; calculate a md5 hash of AdiIRC.exe'
//echo -ag The MD5 hash for AdiIRC.exe is $md5($adiircexe, 2)