


[Script] /Links mIRC copycat v0.1 » Links mIRC copycat v0.1.ini

Mr. BS, 02/13/2016 08:51 PM

; /Links mIRC copycat
; v0.1 by pereba

; Server response for each link
raw 364:*:{
var %line $puttok($3-,$chr(40) $+ $remove($4,:) $+ $chr(41),2,32)
; Since 0 is the current server user is connected, lets add it as first row
if (0 isin $4) iline -h $wname 1 %line
; Add all other servers in sequence
else aline -h $wname $chr(160) $+ %line
; Prevent internal AdiIRC handle of command

; End of /Links list
raw 365:*: {
; Unhide window on finish
window -w3 $wname
; Select first row
sline $wname 1
; Put focus to window if flag -n were not used
if ( [ % $+ $+ [ $cid ] ] ) {
unset $+ $cid
window -a $wname

; Permission denied in some networks, then lets close the window
raw 481:*: {
if ($wactive) {
window -c $window($wname)
unset* $+ $cid

; Replace internal /Links command
alias links {
; If disconnected, call internal /links command to echo default error msg
if ($status != connected) { !links | return }
; Check if a previous /links is active, then clear window prior to resend command
if ( $wactive ) { unset $+ $cid | clear $wname }
; Open window if unavailable (-x support removed for now due an AdiIRC bug where mdi control buttons are gone)
var %flags $iif(-* iswm $1,$regsubex($1,/[^n]/gSi,))
if (%flags) set -e $+ $cid $!true
if (!$window($wname)) window -lkvh $+ %flags $wname
; Var to indicate links window is active
set -e $+ $cid $!true
; Print same mIRC msg to Status Window
echo 17 -st $prefixsys Retrieving links...
; Call internal /Links
!links $1-
; Prevent internal AdiIRC handle of command

alias -l wactive {
return [ % $+ $+ [ $cid ] ]

; Window name where /Links output is sent
alias -l wname return $+(@,$adilang(Links),$chr(160),$adilang(List),$chr(160),$network)

on *:CLOSE:$($wname):{
unset $+ $cid

menu @* {
dclick:$iif($active == $wname,server $gettok($line($wname,$1),1,32))
$iif($active == $wname,Connect to Server) :/server $$1
$iif($active == $wname,Copy to Clipboard) :/clipboard $$1
$iif($active == $wname,Update Links) :/links
; mIRC saves list in .ini format, since I have no idea where it can be used later, lets use simple savebuf for now
$iif($active == $wname,Save Links...) :/savebuf -l $active $$sdir($adiircdir,Save Links $network) $+ \ $+ $$input(File Name:,e,Save Links $network,links_ $+ $network $+ .txt)

menu status {