; http://dev.adiirc.com/boards/5/topics/275 ; Editbox Auto Replace ; v0.1 by pereba on *:START: { if ($exists(autoreplace.dat) && $exists(autoreplace_eval.dat)) { if (!$hget(autoreplace)) hmake autoreplace if (!$hget(autoreplace_eval)) hmake autoreplace_eval hload autoreplace autoreplace.dat | hload autoreplace_eval autoreplace_eval.dat } } alias autoreplace { if ($dialog(autoreplace)) dialog -x autoreplace dialog -ml autoreplace autoreplace } menu menubar { - Editbox Auto Replace:autoreplace - } ; space key on *:KEYDOWN:#,?:32:{ ;on *:KEYUP:#,?:32:{ ;$iif(!$window(@KeyDownDebug),window -nq1ke2 @KeyDownDebug) | echo -tm @KeyDownDebug User pressed key $keyval in $active char: $keychar mouse: $mouse.key $iif($mouse.key & 2,ctrl pressed?!) ;ignore ctrl+space (context menu) if ($mouse.key & 2) return var %c = $iif($numtok($left($editbox($active),$editbox($active).selstart),32) == 0 && %b,1,$v1) var %b = $editbox($active) var %a = $gettok(%b,%c,32) if ($hget(autoreplace,%a) && %a !isnum) { var %t = $iif($hget(autoreplace_eval,%a) == yes,$eval($hget(autoreplace,%a),2),$hget(autoreplace,%a)) var %i = $calc($iif(%c == 1,1,2 + $len($gettok(%b,1- $calc(%c -1),32))) + $len(%t)) editbox $+(-ab,%i,e,%i) $puttok(%b,%t,%c,32) .timer -m 1 1 sendkey halt } } alias -l sendkey { var %name sk $+ $ticks .comopen %name WScript.Shell .comclose %name $com(%name,SendKeys,3,bstr,$chr(32)) } dialog autoreplace { title $aptitle(start) size -1 -1 248 150 option dbu box "Text", 1, 4 4 65 114 list 2, 9 13 55 100, size list 3, 79 13 117 100, size list 4, 211 13 28 100, size button "", 5, 4 122 240 24, disable button $chr(43) Add, 6, 12 128 37 12 button $chr(10008) Delete, 7, 54 128 37 12 button $chr(55357) $+ $chr(56396) Close, 8, 96 128 37 12, ok cancel box Replace with, 12, 74 4 127 114 box Eval, 9, 206 4 38 114 text Hint: double click to edit an item., 11, 161 131 81 8 link $chr(9825), 10, 241 0 10 5 button $chr(8635), 13, 138 128 15 12 } alias -l aptitle { var %t = Editbox Auto Replace $chr(40) $+ $iif($hget(autoreplace,0),$v1,0) items $+ $chr(41) if ($1) return %t | dialog -t autoreplace %t } on *:dialog:autoreplace:init:*: list.words ; reload button on *:dialog:autoreplace:sclick:13: list.words ; select full row on *:dialog:autoreplace:sclick:2,3,4: select.line $dname $did($dname,$did).sel alias -l select.line did -c $1 2 $2 | did -c $1 3 $2 | did -c $1 4 $2 ; add button on *:dialog:autoreplace:sclick:6: autoreplace_add ; delete button on *:dialog:autoreplace:sclick:7: { if (($did($dname,2).seltext) && ($?!="Are sure you want to delete the item $v1 $+ ?")) { hdel $dname $did($dname,2).seltext | hdel $dname $+ _eval $did($dname,2).seltext | savetofile | list.words } } ; edit replace content on *:dialog:autoreplace:dclick:3: { var %input = $input(Replace $did($dname,2).seltext with...:,e,Auto Replace Edit,$did($dname,3).seltext) if ($len($replace(%input, $chr(32), $null))) { hadd -m $dname $did($dname,2).seltext %input | savetofile | list.words $dname $did($dname,$did).sel } } ; edit word on *:dialog:autoreplace:dclick:2: { var %input = $input(Edit the word $did($dname,2).seltext to.... (without space):,e,Replace Text Edit,$did($dname,2).seltext) if (!$regex(%input,/(\s)/Si) && %input != $did($dname,2).seltext) { hdel $dname $did($dname,2).seltext | hdel $dname $+ _eval $did($dname,2).seltext | hadd -m $dname %input $did($dname,3).seltext hadd -m $dname $+ _eval %input $did($dname,4).seltext | savetofile | list.words } } ; toggle eval on *:dialog:autoreplace:dclick:4: { if ($hget($dname $+ _eval,$did($dname,2).seltext)) { hadd autoreplace_eval $did($dname,2).seltext $iif($v1 == no, yes, no) hsave autoreplace_eval autoreplace_eval.dat | list.words $dname $did($dname,$did).sel } } alias -l list.words { did -r autoreplace 2,3,4 var %i 1 while (%i <= $hget(autoreplace,0).item) { did -a autoreplace 2 $hget(autoreplace,%i).item did -a autoreplace 3 $hget(autoreplace,%i).data did -a autoreplace 4 $hget(autoreplace_eval,%i).data inc %i } aptitle | if ($1) select.line $1 $2 } alias -l savetofile hsave autoreplace autoreplace.dat | hsave autoreplace_eval autoreplace_eval.dat alias -l autoreplace_add { var %word $$?="Add new word for the auto replace (without space):" var %replace $$?="Replace %word with...:" var %eval $$?!="Evaluate the replace content on usage?" if ($regex(%word,/([\$?\w]+)/Si)) { hadd -m autoreplace $regml(1) %replace | hadd -m autoreplace_eval $regml(1) $iif(%eval == $true,yes,no) savetofile | list.words | return } noop $input(Invalid word $+ $chr(44) try again.,o,Auto Replace Error) .timer -m 1 1 autoreplace_add } on *:dialog:autoreplace:sclick:10: run http://www.adiirc.com/