; http://dev.adiirc.com/boards/5/topics/170 ; Colored Whois Script 1.0 by Amiga600 ; Plus edition mod v0.1.2 by pereba ; Modifies the whole of the /WHOIS output, Re-arranges Channel Names ; in alphabetical order, and in order of rights level, eg ~&@%+ ; Colors Channels based on users rights ; eg. ~Purple &Yellow @Red %Green +Blue Modeless=Green ; mIRC Colors: White0 Black1 DarkBlue2 DarkGreen3 LightRed4 DarkRed5 ; Purple6 Brown7 Yellow8 LightGreen9 DarkCyan10 LightCyan11 LightBlue12 ; LightPurple13 DarkGrey14 White15 ; Colors can be adjusted below to users preferences ; whoismain - Main color of the whois block (14=grey) ; whoisother - the extra data of the whois block (3=dark green) ; ==== Config ===== ; colors explained above: alias -l whoismain return 14 alias -l whoisother return 2 alias -l ColorCloneScan return 7 alias -l ColorCloneScanMatch return 6 alias -l ColorTimeAgo return 14 alias -l ColorAdmin return 13 alias -l ColorOwner return 13 alias -l ColorProtect return 8 alias -l ColorOp return 4 alias -l ColorHalfOp return 9 alias -l ColorVoice return 11 ; Where to display the whois? 1 for custom window, other value current window. Default is 1. alias -l EnableWhoisWindow return 1 ; Window mode: 1 (default) for tool/modal (no taskbar entry), other value for standalone desktop window. alias -l WindowMode return 1 ; Set desktop whois window on top? 1 to enable, other value to disable. ON by default. alias -l whoisontop return 1 ; Window size (default 650x300) alias -l width return 650 alias -l height return 300 ; Set alias bellow to 1 if you want to see the raw code for each whois line (OFF by default) alias -l EnableEchoRaw return 0 ; Set 1 to clear whois windows if previously opened. ON by default. alias -l whoisclear return 1 ; ==== Script ===== alias -l echoraw { if ($EnableEchoRaw == 1) { return $1 } } raw 311:*: { var %whoistitle $+(@,Whois:,$chr(160),$2,$chr(160),$chr(40),$network,$chr(41)) if ($EnableWhoisWindow == 1) { if ($whoisclear == 1) { clear %whoistitle } else { if ($window(%whoistitle)) { echo %whoistitle $chr(160) } } $iif($window(%whoistitle), window -a %whoistitle, window -dCk0iw1 $+ $iif($whoisontop == 1, o) $iif($WindowMode == 1, +L) %whoistitle -1 -1 $width $height) } echo -a $echoraw([000]) $chr(3) $+ $whoismain *** Start Of Whois For User $chr(3) $+ $whoisother $2 $chr(3) $+ $whoismain *** echo -a $echoraw([311]) $chr(3) $+ $whoismain $strip($2) is $chr(3) $+ $whoisother $+ $strip($3) $+ @ $+ $strip($4) $chr(3) $+ $whoismain $+ ( $+ $6- $+ ) halt } raw 379:*:{ echo -a $echoraw([379]) $chr(3) $+ $whoismain $2 User Modes: $chr(3) $+ $whoisother $strip($6) $chr(3) $+ $whoismain Server Modes: $chr(3) $+ $whoisother $strip($7) | halt } raw 378:*:{ echo -a $echoraw([378]) $chr(3) $+ $whoismain $2 Host: $chr(3) $+ $whoisother $strip($6) $chr(3) $+ $whoismain IP: $chr(3) $+ $whoisother $strip($7) | halt } raw 307:*:{ echo -a $echoraw([307]) $chr(3) $+ $whoismain $strip($2-) | halt } raw 319:*:{ var %chan $sorttok($strip($3-),32,c) var %chan $replace(%chan,$chr(32),$chr(3) $+ $whoisother $+ $chr(32)) var %chan $replace(%chan,$chr(33),$chr(3) $+ $ColorAdmin $+ $chr(33) ) | ; !admin (same as Owner in some networks) Purple var %chan $replace(%chan,$chr(126),$chr(3) $+ $ColorOwner $+ $chr(126) ) | ; ~Owner Purple var %chan $replace(%chan,$chr(38),$chr(3) $+ $ColorProtect $+ $chr(38) ) | ; &Protect Yellow var %chan $replace(%chan,$chr(64),$chr(3) $+ $ColorOp $+ $chr(64) ) | ; @Op Red var %chan $replace(%chan,$chr(37),$chr(3) $+ $ColorHalfOp $+ $chr(37) ) | ; %HalfOp Green var %chan $replace(%chan,$chr(43),$chr(3) $+ $ColorVoice $+ $chr(43) ) | ; +Voice L-Blue var %total = $comchan($2,0), %output, %x = 1 if (%total > 1) && ($2 != $me) { while ( %x <= %total ) { %output = $addtok(%output,$comchan($2,%x),32) %bosta = $comchan($2,%x) var %chan $replace(%chan,%bosta,$chr(31) $+ %bosta $+ $chr(31)) inc %x } } echo -a $echoraw([319]) $chr(3) $+ $whoismain $2 on $numtok(%chan,32) Channels: $chr(3) $+ $whoisother %chan halt } raw 312:*:{ echo -a $echoraw([312]) $chr(3) $+ $whoismain $2 Server: $chr(3) $+ $whoisother $strip($3) ( $+ $strip($4-) $+ ) | halt } raw 301:*:{ echo -a $echoraw([301]) $chr(3) $+ $whoismain $strip($2) is $chr(3)4AWAY $chr(3) $+ $whoismain $+ : $chr(3) $+ $whoisother $3- | halt } raw 313:*:{ echo -a $echoraw([313]) $chr(3) $+ $whoismain $strip($2-) | halt } raw 338:*:{ echo -a $echoraw([313]) $chr(3) $+ $whoismain $strip($2) $chr(3) $+ $whoisother $strip($3-) | halt } raw 310:*:{ echo -a $echoraw([310]) $chr(3) $+ $whoismain $strip($2-) | halt } raw 335:*:{ echo -a $echoraw([335]) $chr(3) $+ $whoismain $strip($2-) | halt } raw 614:*:{ echo -a $echoraw([614]) $chr(3) $+ $whoismain $strip($2-) | halt } raw 671:*:{ echo -a $echoraw([671]) $chr(3) $+ $whoismain $strip($2-) | halt } raw 320:*:{ echo -a $echoraw([320]) $chr(3) $+ $whoismain $strip($2-) | halt } raw 330:*:{ echo -a $echoraw([330]) $chr(3) $+ $whoismain $2 $4- $chr(3) $+ $whoisother $3 | halt } raw 317:*:{ echo -a $echoraw([317]) $chr(3) $+ $whoismain $2 Idle: $chr(3) $+ $whoisother $strip($duration($3)) $chr(3) $+ $whoismain - SignOn: $chr(3) $+ $whoisother $strip($asctime($4)) $chr(3) $+ $ColorTimeAgo $+ ( $+ $duration($calc($ctime - $4)) ago) | halt } raw 275:*:{ echo -a $echoraw([275]) $chr(3) $+ $whoismain $strip($2-) | halt } raw 615:*:{ echo -a $echoraw([615]) $chr(3) $+ $whoismain $2 User Modes: $chr(3) $+ $whoisother $strip($6) $chr(3) $+ $whoismain Server Modes: $chr(3) $+ $whoisother $strip($7) | halt } raw 616:*:{ echo -a $echoraw([616]) $chr(3) $+ $whoismain $2 Host: $chr(3) $+ $whoisother $strip($5) $chr(3) $+ $whoismain IP: $chr(3) $+ $whoisother $strip($6) | halt } raw 401:*:{ set %wdone veadinho } ;nick not found raw 318:*: { if (%wdone) { ;stop cuz nick not found haltdef unset %namec unset %wdone return } haltdef var %whois.Clones $ial($address($2,2),0) if (%whois.Clones > 1) { var %clones $iif($EnableEchoRaw == 1,[Clones]) echo -a $echoraw([Clones]) $chr(3) $+ $ColorCloneScan User/Service $+ $chr(3) $+ $ColorCloneScanMatch $2 $chr(3) $+ $ColorCloneScan $+ has $calc($ial($address($2,2),0) - 1) Other Clone(s): var %iee $ial($address($2,2),0) while %iee { if ($gettok($ial($address($2,2),%iee),1,33) != $2) { echo -a %clones $chr(3) $+ $ColorCloneScan %iee = $v1 $chr(3) $+ $ColorCloneScanMatch $address($v1,5) } dec %iee } } echo -a $echoraw([318]) $chr(3) $+ $whoismain *** End Of Whois *** unset %namec } }