; http://dev.adiirc.com/boards/5/topics/475 ; Version 0.5 ; TODO MAKE CHANGE WINDOW HIDE STATUS ONLY IF NEED TO AVOID UNCOLAPSING AND OTHER THINGS alias -l hidle.version { return v0.5 } ; Hide all idle channels and querys (no new message color): ; /hidle ; Force unhide all windows if need: ; /hidle -u ; Lets hide inactive windows after xx seconds on AdiIRC startup?! on *:START: { if ($exists($hidle.file)) hload -m hidle $hidle.file else { freshstart } .timerhidle -o 0 1 hidle } alias -l freshstart { hmake hidle } alias -l hidle.file { return $qt($adiircdir\hidle_Windows.dat) } alias -l hidle.save { hsave hidle $hidle.file } ; Global timeout alias -l hidle.timeout { return 60 } ; Restore windows on unloading script on *:UNLOAD: hidle -u alias F3 { hidle -u } alias hidle { scon -a dohidle $1 } alias -l dohidle { var %w $window(*,0), %wtype, %wname, %wid, %wcolor, %widle, %wstate while (%w) { %wtype = $istok(channel query,$window(*,%w).type,32) %wid = $window(*,%w).wid %wname = $window(@ $+ %wid) %wcid = $window(@ $+ %wid).cid %wcolor = $istok(message highlight,$window(@ $+ %wid).sbcolor,32) %widle = $($+(%,hidle_,%wid),2) %wstate = $window(@ $+ %wid).tbstate if (%wtype) && ($activewid != %wid) { if (%widle) dec %hidle_ $+ %wid if (u isin $1) { window -w3 %wname set -e %hidle_ $+ %wid $hidle.timeout() } elseif (!%wcolor) && (!%widle) && (%wstate) { ; skip hidding if Status is active and window is from same network, otherwise you will need to togle focus to get 'Unhide windows on focus network status' working. if ($active == Status Window) && (%wcid == $activecid) { } else { window -w0 %wname set -e %hidle_ $+ %wid $hidle.timeout() } } } dec %w } } ; Unhide on focus on *:ACTIVE:*: { if ($hget(hidle,unhide_on_status_focus).data == $null) return var %lwid = $lactivewid if ($window(@ $+ %lwid).type isin channel query) && (%lwid != $wid) set -e %hidle_ $+ %lwid $hidle.timeout() if (!$window($active).tbstate) && ($window($active).type isin channel query) window -w3 $active if ($window($active).type == status) && (%lwid != $wid) .timer -m 1 1 dohidle -u } ; Unhide on activity on *:TEXT:*:#,?: { if (!$halted) { wunhide } } on *:ACTION:*:#,?: { if (!$halted) { wunhide } } alias -l wunhide { var %w = @ $+ $wid if (!$window(%w).tbstate) window -w3 %w } menu menubar { - Idle Windows .$style(2) $chr(91) Global config - hidle $hidle.version $chr(93):noop .- .$chr(28) Auto hide control $chr(9) $iif($timer(Hidle),On,Off):toggle .$chr(28) Global timeout in seconds $chr(9) $iif($hget(hidle,global_timeout).data,$v1,$hidle.timeout())): var %v $input(Global timeout in seconds for $crlf $+ $crlf $+ Send empty value to restore original config,oeq,hidle,$iif($hget(hidle,global_timeout).data,$v1)) | if (%v isnum 1-) hadd -m hidle global_timeout %v | if ($remove(%v,$chr(32)) == $null) hadd -m hidle global_timeout $hidle.timeout() | hidle.save .$chr(28) Unhide windows on focus network status $chr(9) $iif($hget(hidle,unhide_on_status_focus).data,$v1,No)): var %v $input(Unhide windows on focus network status?,oqm,hidle,,Yes,No) | hadd -m hidle unhide_on_status_focus %v | hidle.save .- .$iif($window($active).type isin channel query,$style(2) $chr(91) $active @ $network $chr(93) custom rules):noop .- .$iif($window($active).type isin channel query,$chr(28) Timeout $chr(9) $iif($hget(hidle,# $+ @ $+ $network).data,$v1,Follow global)): var %v $input(Timeout in seconds for $active $crlf $+ $crlf $+ Send empty value to follow global config,oeq,hidle,$iif($hget(hidle,# $+ @ $+ $network).data,$v1)) | if (%v isnum 1-) hadd -m hidle # $+ @ $+ $network %v | if ($remove(%v,$chr(32)) == $null) hdel hidle # $+ @ $+ $network | hidle.save .$iif($window($active).type isin channel query,$chr(28) Exclude channel (stay visible) $chr(9) $iif(# $+ @ $+ $network isin $hget(hidle,exclusions).data,Yes,No)): hadd -m hidle exclusions $iif(# $+ @ $+ $network isin $hget(hidle,exclusions).data, $remtok($hget(hidle,exclusions).data,# $+ @ $+ $network,1,32) , $addtok($hget(hidle,exclusions).data,# $+ @ $+ $network,32) )) | hidle.save .- .$style(2) $chr(91) Manual tools $chr(93):noop .- .$chr(28) Hide read windows (no new message): hidle .$chr(28) Force unhide all: hidle -u } alias -l toggle { if ($timer(hidle)) { scon -a hidle -u .timerhidle off } else { .timerhidle 0 1 hidle } }