


IRC World Day ?

Added by Crazy Cat 2 days ago

Hi there,

I'm trying to launch an IRC World Day on march, 14th.

The IRC protocol, designed by Jarkko "WiZ" Oikarinen and Darren Reed in August 1988, was formalized in May 1993 by RFC 1459. We could celebrate this on May 14th ( 14 / 5 / 9 3) and organize an #ircday event.
This gives us a little less than two months to come up with ideas for events to bring together the IRC community and help people rediscover this protocol that we love so much.

Actually, #ircday exists on and, they are linked to do a "meta-channel". I'd like to have all people interested in IRC to join and discuss about IRC, its future, our wishes, ...

Feel free to come.

French P.S.: les utilisateurs francophones peuvent venir sur #ircday-fr sur :)