


[script] Scratchpad v0.2

Added by Mr. BS over 10 years ago

I was tired to use inputbox for small code tests, I wanted something with multi-line support. First thing flashed in my mind was the Scratchpad from Mozilla Firefox Dev Tools. Then I made a simple dialog to get the code and run as a regular script, in user point of view it's like an $eval but for whole msl code.

Video demo:

<video controls>
<source src=";>


- /sp <enter>


  • v0.2
    - Now it loads previous code on open.
    - Added a button to insert fake tab spacing.
    - Added an info button to warn about unsupported Alias.
    - Remove temp file on unload script.
    - Minor improvements.
  • v0.1
    - Initial release


; Scratchpad - quick msl code evaluation
; v0.2 by pereba

on *:Unload:.remove scratchpad.txt

menu menubar {

alias sp { if (!$dialog(Scratchpad)) dialog -mp Scratchpad Scratchpad }

dialog Scratchpad {
  title "Scratchpad" 
  size -1 -1 312 220
  option dbu
  edit "", 1, 0 0 312 198, multi return hsbar vsbar hsbar vsbar
  button "Tab", 4, 6 202 28 14
  button "Evaluate", 5, 40 202 240 14
  button "i", 6, 286 202 20 14

alias -l sendkey {
  var %name sk $+ $ticks
  .comopen %name WScript.Shell
  .comclose %name $com(%name,SendKeys,3,bstr,$replacex($1-,{space},$chr(32)))

; temp file to store code
alias -l f return scratchpad.txt

; populate box if previous code is found
on *:dialog:Scratchpad:init:*: {
  if ($isfile($f)) {
    var %i 2, %l $lines($f)
    while (%i < %l) {
      did -a $dname 1 $read($f,n,%i) $+ $crlf
      inc %i

on *:dialog:Scratchpad:*:*: {
  if ($devent = sclick) {
    ; info button
    if ($did == 6) {
      noop $?!="Remember to not add $chr(160) $chr(160) ALIAS NAME {...} $chr(160) $chr(160) this is not supported." 
    ; tab button
    if ($did == 4) {
      did -f $dname 1 | sendkey {space}{space}
    ; evaluate button
    if ($did == 5) {
      var %code $did(1).lines
      if (%code) {

        write -c $f alias sidentifier $chr(123)
        var %line = 1
        while (%line <= $did(1).lines) {
          write -a $f $did(1, %line).text
          inc %line 

        write -a $f $chr(125)
        .load -rs $f
        .unload -rs $f

Credits goes to kr0n for the write/load code idea and implementation.