[deprecated] [Script] Simple selective join/part/quit message blacklist
Added by Mr. BS almost 11 years ago
This script will halt (hide) the message for events Join/Part/Quit in channel/network that user enable it.
- v0.4.2
- Now it is possible to reset config per network or global. - v0.4.1
- Added option to uncheck all events at once. - v0.4
- New event control added: Nick change. - v0.3
- Added menu to erase all channels events control config.
- New submenu to check all events at once.
- Fixed the toggle quit event. - v0.2
- By request, now all config are done by channel right click menu. - v0.1
- initial release.
; http://dev.adiirc.com/boards/5/topics/175 ; Simple selective join/part/quit message blacklist ; v0.4.2 by pereba Menu Channel { - Hide Events .$style(2) #:/ .- .$iif($getVar(Join) != 1 && $getVar(Part) != 1 && $getVar(Quit) != 1 && $getVar(Nick) != 1, All):$setVar(Join) | $setVar(Part) | $setVar(Quit) | $setVar(Nick) .$iif($getVar(Join) == 1 && $getVar(Part) == 1 && $getVar(Quit) == 1 && $getVar(Nick) == 1, Uncheck All):$unSetVar(Join) | $unSetVar(Part) | $unSetVar(Quit) | $unSetVar(Nick) .$iif($getVar(Join) == 1, $style(1)) Join: $iif($getVar(Join) == 1, $unSetVar(Join), $setVar(Join)) .$iif($getVar(Part) == 1, $style(1)) Part: $iif($getVar(Part) == 1, $unSetVar(Part), $setVar(Part)) .$iif($getVar(Quit) == 1, $style(1)) Quit: $iif($getVar(Quit) == 1, $unSetVar(Quit), $setVar(Quit)) .$iif($getVar(Nick) == 1, $style(1)) Nick: $iif($getVar(Nick) == 1, $unSetVar(Nick), $setVar(Nick)) .- .Reset Config ..This Network ( $+ $network $+ ):if ($$?!"Erase events control config for $network network?") { unset %Hide.Events* $+ $network $+ .* } ..All Networks:if ($$?!"Erase events control config for ALL networks/channels?") { unset %Hide.Events* } - } alias -l getVar { return %Hide.Events. [ $+ [ # ] $+ . $+ [ $network ] $+ . $+ [ $1 ] ] } alias -l setVar { set %Hide.Events. $+ # $+ . $+ $network $+ . $+ $1 1 } alias -l unSetVar { unset %Hide.Events. [ $+ [ # ] $+ . $+ [ $network ] $+ . $+ [ $1 ] ] } on ^*:JOIN:*:{ if ($getVar(Join) == 1) { halt } } on ^*:PART:*:{ if ($getVar(Part) == 1) { halt } } on ^*:QUIT:{ var %i = 1 while ($comchan($nick,%i)) { var %x %Hide.Events. [ $+ [ $comchan($nick,%i) ] $+ . $+ [ $network ] $+ . $+ Quit ] if (%x != 1) { echo 27 -trbf $comchan($nick,%i) * $chr(2) $+ $nick $+ $chr(2) ( $+ $address $+ ) has quit IRC ( $+ $1- $+ ) } inc %i } halt } on ^*:NICK:{ var %i = 1 while ($comchan($newnick,%i)) { var %x %Hide.Events. [ $+ [ $comchan($newnick,%i) ] $+ . $+ [ $network ] $+ . $+ Nick ] if (%x != 1) { echo 33 -trbf $comchan($newnick,%i) * $chr(2) $+ $nick $+ $chr(2) is now known as $chr(2) $+ $newnick $+ $chr(2) } inc %i } halt }
✔ mIRC compatible.