[script] Fake messages v0.3.1
Added by Mr. BS almost 11 years ago
This script is a very simple example of Fakeraw feature. As the command name suggests, it sends fake raw to AdiIRC treat as if it came from the server.
I just made an alias to send fake channel message. The main purpose is to test locally On Text event without need to open a secondary client.
/f <text> == local only. /f2 <text> == local and remote.
Example bellow is the output for a personal script mine to lookup Issues on AdiIRC tracker and a Google search:
In AdiIRC (RudimentaryEnglish user):
[13:12:00] @BeatingMirc: this is legitimate message
[13:12:04] RudimentaryEnglish: this is a fake message, ofc not visible in BeatingMirc client
[13:12:07] RudimentaryEnglish: now other fake message to trigger On Text event script running on same client:
[13:12:10] @BeatingMirc: bug 1002
[13:12:11] RudimentaryEnglish: Bug #1002: Random user list color is using the wrong color - URL: http://dev.adiirc.com/issues/1002 - Status: Closed - Priority: Normal - Target version: 1.9.3
[13:52:33] perebahex: @g wikipedia comparison irc
[13:52:33] RudimentaryEnglish: Google: #1 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Internet_Relay_Chat_clients - Comparison of Internet Relay Chat clients - Wikipedia, the free ...
In other ordinary client (BeatingMirc user):
[01:11:59] <@BeatingMirc> this is legitimate message
[01:12:12] <RudimentaryEnglish> Bug #1002: Random user list color is using the wrong color - URL: http://dev.adiirc.com/issues/1002 - Status: Closed - Priority: Normal - Target version: 1.9.3
[01:52:34] <RudimentaryEnglish> Google: #1 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Internet_Relay_Chat_clients - Comparison of Internet Relay Chat clients - Wikipedia, the free ...
The red lines are the fake messages.
- v0.3.1
- Small change to make real message goes first than the fake one. - v0.3
- Added support for evaluate identifiers if multiple slash is used, ie //f //f2. - v0.2
- Added support for consecutive spaces (hi mIRC users).
- New commands: /f <text> to send message locally only and /f2 <text> for local and remote.
- Now the command works only if user is connected to network, since it is required to fakeraw to take effect. - v0.1.1
- A more reliable way to retrieve nick address using IAL, suggestion by kr0n. Due this change, it will always use your own nick on channels.
- Now works for channel and query windows. - v0.1
- Initial Release.
; http://dev.adiirc.com/boards/5/topics/182 ; Fake messages ; v0.3.1 by pereba ; Usage: ; /f <text> == local only. ; /f2 <text> == local and remote. on *:INPUT:#,?: { if ($regex($1,/^(\/+)(f)(2)?$/)) && (!$ctrlenter) && ($2) && ($status == connected) { var %msgx $mid($msgx, $calc($len($1) +2), $len($msgx)) var %msgx $iif($len($regml(1)) > 1,$(%msgx,2),%msgx) var %rawx : $+ $ial($iif($chan,$me,$active)) PRIVMSG $active : $+ %msgx if ($regml(3)) { var %text PRIVMSG $active : $+ %msgx | .rawx %text } fakeraw %rawx halt } }
AdiIRC v1.9.6+
Sharing is caring.
Fake messages v0.1.ini (191 Bytes) Fake messages v0.1.ini | |||
Fake messages v0.1.1.ini (221 Bytes) Fake messages v0.1.1.ini | |||
Fake messages v0.2.ini (508 Bytes) Fake messages v0.2.ini | |||
Fake messages v0.3.ini (573 Bytes) Fake messages v0.3.ini | |||
Fake messages v0.3.1.ini (575 Bytes) Fake messages v0.3.1.ini |
Replies (1)
RE: [script] Fake messages v0.3.1 - Added by Mr. BS over 9 years ago
Small update.
- v0.3.1
- Small change to make real message goes first than the fake one.
A mistake since from first release, no more !trigger after the output when testing On Text event scripts. :P