Using the script excludes setting the highlight background.
Added by Charlie Sorrow almost 5 years ago
I use AdiIRC to chat, which is normally available as a Java applet on the website. It offers text formatting with tags, e.g.
%Fbi% %C0f2ab1%
To remove the above tags from the AdiIRC channel window I use the following script:
on $^*:TEXT:/^(%[Fib]+%%C0%)/:*:{ var %text $replace($1-,$regml(1),) echo -tblfmw2 $+(<,$nick,>) %text halt } on $^*:TEXT:/^(%[Fib]+%%C([0-9a-f]+)%)/:*:{ var %text $replace($1-,$regml(1),) echo -tblfmw2 $+(<,$nick,>) %text halt } on $^*:TEXT:/^(%C0%)/:*:{ var %text $replace($1-,$regml(1),) echo -tblfmw2 $+(<,$nick,>) %text halt } on $^*:TEXT:/^(%[C0-9a-f]+%)/:*:{ var %text $replace($1-,$regml(1),) echo -mtbflw2 $+(<,$nick,>) %text halt } on $^*:TEXT:/^(%[Fib]+%)/:*:{ var %text $replace($1-,$regml(1),) echo -tbflmw2 $+(<,$nick,>) %text halt } on $^*:TEXT:/^(%[I]+%)/:*:{ echo -tbflmw2 $+(<,$nick,>) $+ jakas ikona halt } CTCP *:VERSION:*: halt
But when I enable this script I can't set the backlight background of the message text in the AdiIRC settings, in which someone mentions my nickname. The background appears only when someone, when writing a message with my nickname, uses text without formatting (without bold, italics and color). How should I modify the above script so that the background also appears in messages containing my nickname that were written in formatted text?