


[Script] Auto Backup AdiIRC.exe on Upgrade v0.2

Added by Mr. BS about 10 years ago

As requested in #AdiIRC channel, here is my proof to auto backup of AdiIRC.exe to /backup sub-folder on upgrade version without any extra tools, just MSL script.

Video Demo

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  • v0.2
    - Changed some vars to support config from Appdata or any other path, also space is supported now since Issue #2391 fixed run command.
    - Added more tags to filename: AdiIRC_VERSION_BITS_DOTNETVERSION_BUILDDATE.exe
  • v0.1.1
    - Initial release


; Auto Backup AdiIRC.exe on Upgrade
; v0.2 by pereba

on *:EXIT: {
  var %upp $nofile($adiircexe) $+ upp.exe, %backdir $adiircdirbackup
  if ($file(%upp).mtime != $file($adiircexe).mtime) && ($exists($nofile(%upp)) {
    if (!$exists(%backdir)) mkdir %backdir
    run -h cmd /c copy /Y $qt($adiircexe) $qt(%backdir $&
    $+ $+(\,AdiIRC,_,$version,_,$bits,bits,_,dotnet,$mid($dotnet,2,1),_,$replace($builddate,/,-),.exe))

Replies (1)

RE: [Script] Auto Backup AdiIRC.exe on Upgrade v0.2 - Added by Mr. BS over 9 years ago

v0.2 fixed script to support "non portable mode" and path with space. :>
