Tracker *Bug
Subject *
Description Everytime I start Addirc, the systray blinks with a highlight, as it should be, cause I log in to my bouncer which saves the last 100 linies in each channel. But even after i "read" the channels and clear the highlighting, the systray icon keeps flashing. If i disable highlight entirely and restart Adirc it goes away, if I reenable it I am back at square 1. Highlight options: Use highlight, highlight entire line, animate trayicon and flash window on highlight. Default to flash 10 times and then i got 3 names set to hightlight on. Edit
Status Closed
Priority *Low Normal High Urgent Immediate
Assignee AnonymousPer Amundsen
Category Api Interface Irc Plugin Scripting Website
Target version 1.8 4.5
Start date
Due date
Estimated time Hours
Operative System All Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows ME Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows 8.1 Windows 10 Linux OS X
Regression Yes No