_Added in 1.9.0_ *$bfind(&binvar, N, M, [name])* Searches a &binvar for a matching value. _The search is case-insensitive._ *Parameters* &binvar - The &binvar to search. N - The position of the &binvar to start the search. M - Numeric "ASCII":http://www.asciitable.com/ character(s) or text to search. [name] - Name to store in [[$regml]] for the result(s) when using the .regex property. (optional) *Properties* .text - Force a text search if the search text (M) is a number. .textcs - Search case-sensitive. .regex - *TODO* .regextext - Performs a [[Scripting_Regex|regular expression]] search for the pattern *M* on UTF8 encoded text from the binvar. *Example*
; Finds "test" starting from position 1.
//echo -a $bfind(&test, 1, test)
; Finds character 32 (a space) from position 5.
//echo -a $bfind(&test, 5, 32)

; Finds WAV from position 1.
//echo -a $bfind(&test, 1, 87 65 86)