Added in 1.9.4


Returns name if connection is open, or name of Nth connection. N = 0 returns number of open connections.


name|N - The connection name or the Nth connection.


.progid - The object name.
.result - The value returned by the COM object member after the call
.error - The error code if any.
.errortext - The error text if any.
.argerr - TODO
.dispatch - $true if this is a dispatch pointer.
.unknown - $true if this is a unknown pointer.


Returns value of the specified variable name.


name/N - The connection name or the Nth connection.
varname - Name of the referenced variable.


This calls a member of an open COM connection with the specified method and parameters.

Returns: 1 = ok, 0 = fail.


name - Connection name.
member - Member name.
method - Combination of the following values added together:

             1 = DISPATCH_METHOD

type - The variable type, can be: i1, i2, i4, ui1, ui2, ui4, int, uint, r4, r8, cy, date, decimal, bool, bstr, variant, dispatch, unknown, error.
             VB equivalents are: boolean, byte, currency, date, double, integer, long, single, string, variant.
             To make a variable by reference, use * in the type name, eg. i1*
             To assign a name to a variable for later reference after a call, append it to the type, eg. i1* varname
             When using a variant you must also specify the variable type after it, eg. variant bool.

value - The value assigned to the variable type.