_Added in 1.9.0_ *$feof* Returns [[$true]] if end of file was reached during the last file access attempt, otherwise [[$false]]. _Can be used inside text without being surrounded by white spaces._ _See also [[/fopen]], [[/fclose]], [[/fwrite]], [[/fseek]], [[/flist]], [[$fread]], [[$fgetc]], [[$ferr]], [[$fopen]]._ *Example*
; Open a file.
/fopen Example Example.txt

; Add some text to the file.
/fwrite Example Hello World

; Read the text.
//echo -ag $fread(Example)

; Close the file.
/fclose Example

; Delete the file.
/remove Example

; Print the status from $feof.
//echo -ag File $IIf($feof,was,was not) read to end