_Added in 1.9.0_ *$ial* Returns [[$true]] if Internal Address List is enabled, otherwise [[$false]]. _Always returns [[$true]] in AdiIRC._ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _Added in 1.9.0_ *$ial(nick/mask,[N])* Returns the Nth address matching mask in the Internal Address List. *Parameters* table(ktable). |*Parameter*|*Description*| | nick/mask | Nick or mask to lookup. (can be a [[Scripting_Wildcards|wildcard]]) | | [N] | If N = 0, number of lookup matches, otherwise the Nth match. (optional, default i 1) | *Properties* table(ktable). |*Property*|*Description*| | .nick | The user nick. | | .user | The user ident. | | .host | The user hostname. | | .addr | The user ident@hostname. | | .mark | The user [[/ialmark|mark]]. | | .gecos | The user realname/fullname. | | .name | The user realname/fullname. | | .realname | The user realname/fullname. *(AdiIRC only)* | | .account | The user account name. ([[IRCv3]] feature) | | .isaway | Returns [[$true]] if the user is away, otherwise [[$false]]. *(AdiIRC only)* | | .away | Returns [[$true]] if the user is away, otherwise [[$false]]. | | .bot | Returns [[$true]] if the user is marked as a "IRCv3 bot":https://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/bot-mode, otherwise [[$false]]. | | .id | Returns a unique id for this user. | | | bot - TODO | *Example*
; Print the address 'ident!nick@hostname' for 'nick'.
//echo -ag $ial(nick)

; Print the number of matches for wildcard search 'nick*'.
//echo -ag $ial(nick*, 0)

; Print the realname for second match using wildcard search 'nick*'.
//echo -ag $ial(nick*, 2).realname