Added in 1.9.0


Returns $true if /ignore is enabled, otherwise $false.


Returns the Nth address in the ignore list set in Options -> Ignore or using /ignore.


Parameter Description
N|address An address or if N = 0, number of addresses, otherwise the Nth address.


Property Description
.network The network associated with the ignore. (if any)
.type Ignore flags.
.secs Number of seconds until the ignore expire. (if set to expire)
.note Returns the note. (AdiIRC only)
.channel Returns channel(s). (AdiIRC only)
.text Returns match text. (AdiIRC only)
.cs Returns $true if case sensetive otherwise $false. (AdiIRC only)
.regex Returns $true if regex otherwise $false. (AdiIRC only)


; Add a ignore for the nick 'Example'
/ignore -u1000 Example

; Print number of addresses in the ignore list.
//echo -ag $ignore(0)

; Print information about the 'Example' ignore.
//echo -ag $ignore(Example) type is $ignore(Example).type secs is $ignore(Example).secs