_Added in 1.9.0_ *$line(@window|#channel|nick|Status Window,N,[T])* Returns the Nth line of text in the specified window. Works on any window. *Parameters* table(ktable). |*Parameter*|*Description*| | @window|#channel|nick|Status Window | The window to retrieve text from. | | N | If N = 0 number of lines, otherwise the Nth line. | | [T] | If T = 0 use display area (default) if T = 1, use side-listbox. (optional) | *Properties* table(ktable). |*Property*|*Description*| | .state | Returns 1 if the line is selected in a side-listbox, otherwise 0. | | .color | Returns the line or nick color. | | .rgbcolor | For side-listbox returns the line color in [[$rgb]] format, otherwise returns the rgb line color if any *(AdiIRC only)* | | .nickcolumn | Gets the line with the nickcolumn character intact. *(AdiIRC Only)* | *Example*
; Create a custom window.
/window @Example

; Add a few lines to the window.
/aline @Example Test1
/aline @Example Test2
/aline @Example Test3

; Print number of lines in the window.
//echo -ag $line(@Example, 0)

; Print the second line in the window.
//echo -ag $line(@Example, 2)