Added in 1.8.10


Returns information about the specified file or folder.

Default returns file size.

Same as $file.


Parameter Description
filename|foldername|name Filename or folder or open file in $fopen to retrieve information from.


Property Description
.size File size in bytes. (returns 0 for folders)
.ctime Creation time. (unix timestamp)
.mtime Last modification time. (unix timestamp)
.atime Last access time. (unix timestamp)
.shortfn Short file name.
.longfn Full file name.
.attr File attributes.
.sig Returns "ok" if digital signed, else "none".
.version Returns the file version, if any.
.path The path directory.
.name The filename without the file extension.
.ext The file extension.
.pid Returns the first process id started by this file. (AdiIRC Only)


; Show AdiIRC.exe filesize
//echo -ag $lof($adiircexe).size

; Show explorer.exe digital signature
//echo -ag $lof(c:\windows\explorer.exe).sig