_Added in 1.9.0_ *$rand(v1,v2)* Returns a random number or letter between v1 and v2. _Same as [[$r]]._ _See also [[$rands]]._ *Parameters* table(ktable). |*Parameter*|*Description*| | v1 | Start number or letter [0-9A-Za-z]. | | v2 | End number or letter [0-9A-Za-z]. | if v1 and v2 are both numeric, returns random number in that range otherwise returns a character in the range of characters v1 and v2 valid number range -2^63 through 2^63-1 *Example*
; Get a random number between 10 and 100.
//echo -ag $rand(10,100)

; Get a random number between -10 and +10.
//echo -ag $rand(10,-10)

; Get a random letter between g and y.
//echo -ag $rand(g,y)

; Get a random character between A and z. Since 'A' is codepoint 65 and 'z' is codepoint 122, this includes non-alphanumeric codepoints 91-96 [\]^_`
//echo -ag $rand(A,z)

To obtain only the 52 case-insensitive characters: //echo -a $iif($rand(0,1),$rand(A,Z),$rand(a,z))

Numeric includes numbers at the beginning of strings.
//echo -a $rand(1X,4X) is the same as $rand(1,4)

Only 1st character of non-numeric string is used.
//echo -a $rand(AB,CD) is in the range A through C

No 'good' random number generator creates equal outcome of all numbers in the range, but they should be fairly close to the average
//hfree -w test | hmake test | var %i 100000 | while (%i) { hinc test $rand(1,100)) | dec %i } | var %i 1 , %a | while (%i isnum 1-100) { var %a %a %i $+ = $+ $hget(test,%i) | inc %i } | echo -a %a