_Added in 1.9.0_ *$reptokcs(text,token,new,[N],C)* Replaces the Nth matching token in text with a new token. _[[$reptokcs]] is case-sensitive, see [[$reptok]] for case-insensitive version._ *Parameters* text - The text to tokenize. token - Token to match. new - New token to replace with. [N] - If N = 0, all matching tokens, otherwise the Nth match. (Optional, default is 1) C - The "ASCII":http://www.asciitable.com/ value to tokenize by. *Example*
; Replace the first token matching 'B' with 'E'
//echo -ag $reptokcs(a.B.b.c.d,B,E,1,46)

; Replace all tokens matching 'B' with 'e'
//echo -ag $reptokcs(B.B.B.b,B,e,0,46)