Added in 2.3


Returns the nickname and filename of the Nth dcc send connection.


Parameter Description
N/nick Nick or the Nth connection.
[N] The Nth nick match.


Property Description
.lra TODO
.wid TODO
.hwnd TODO
.cid Returns the connection id.
.path Returns the file path.
.file Returns the file name.
.size Returns the file size in bytes.
.sent Returns the number of bytes sent.
.pc Returns the percent complete.
.secs Returns number of seconds the transfer has been open.
.done Returns $true if transfer was successful, otherwise $false.
.resume Returns resume position if file was resumed.
.cps Returns a estimate bytes per second.
.status Returns "sent" and "failed" if a transfer has been sent successfully or failed.
.ip Returns the local ip address.
.port Returns the local port. (AdiIRC only)


; Print number of SEND transfers.
//echo -ag $send(0)

; Print filename for the first SEND transfer.
//echo -ag $send(1).file