_Added in 1.9.3_ *$tip(name/N)* Returns properties for the specified tip. *Parameters* name/N - Tip name or If N = 0 number of open tips, otherwise the Nth tip. *Properties* .name - Tip name. .title - Tip title. .text - Tip text. .delay - Delay in milliseconds until tip closes. .iconfn - Icon file name. .iconpos - Icon position. .alias - Alias to be executed on double click. .wid - Window id associated with this tip. -------------------------- *$tip(name,title,text,delay,iconfn,iconpos,alias,wid)* Allows you to create scripted tips that are independent of normal tip events. Returns Nth position of tip if it was successfully created, zero if not. _Title and text can have [[Formatting_text|Control Codes]]._ *Example*
; Create and show a Tip using the title 'title here' and the text 'text here'.
; Prefix with /noop to ignore the result.
//noop $tip(name, title here, text here)