_Added in 2.7_ *$topicbox(window,[N])* Returns the text in the [[Topicbox Control|Topicbox]] of the specified window. *Parameters* window - The window associated with the [[Topicbox Control|Topicbox]] to use. *Properties* .selstart - Returns the position of the first selected character. .selend - - Returns the position of the last selected character. .color - Gets the current [[Topicbox Control|Topicbox]] text color in [[$rgb]] format. .backcolor - Gets the current [[Topicbox Control|Topicbox]] background color in [[$rgb]] format. .rgbcolor - Gets the current [[Topicbox Control|Topicbox]] text color in rrr,ggg,bbb format. .rgbbackcolor - Gets the current [[Topicbox Control|Topicbox]] background color in rrr,ggg,bbb format. *Example*
; Print the content of the Topicbox.
//echo -ag Text is $topicbox($active) selstart is $topicbox($active).selstart selend is $topicbox($active).selend