_Added in 2.9_ *$zip* Returns the name of the zip operation during a [[on ZIP]] or [[on UNZIP]] event. ___________________________ *$zip(name, [N])* Returns information about a zip/unzip item during a [[on ZIP]] or [[on UNZIP]] event. _See also [[/zip]], [[$ziperr]], [[on ZIP]], [[on UNZIP]]._ *Parameters* name - Name of the zip/unzip operation. (can be a wildcard) [N] - The Nth matches name. *Properties* .name - Returns the name of zip/unzip operation. .src - Returns the source file or folder. .dest - Returns the destination file or folder. .ratio - Returns 0, 1 or 2 where 0 = no compression, 1 = fastest compression, 2 = optimal compression. .unzip - Returns [[$true]] if this is a unzip operation, otherwise [[$false]]. *Example*
; Zip the entire adiirc folder into 'adiirc.zip'
//zip name $qt($adiircdir) adiirc.zip

; Print the zip result when then zip operation is finished.
on *:ZIP:echo -ag zipped $zip($zip).src into $zip($zip).dest status: $iif($ziperr,fail,ok)