bh1. Add/Edit Nicklist icon Dialog


Path to a image file to use as icon for this match.

Nick or Address

The nick or address to match.

$me can be used to refer to your current nick.

No address

Match user with no address in the $ial yet.

Channel modes

Channel modes to match, e.g to match all channel ops *@* can be used.

Any mode

Match a user with any channel mode(s).

No mode

Match a user with no channel mode(s).


Match only users who are marked as away.

User levels

User levels to match.

Idle time

Only match users who has been idle for [x] minutes.

Address Book

If checked, match a nick in the Address Book.


If checked, match a nick in the ignore list.


If checked, match a nick in the notify list.


If checked, match a nick in the Auto-op list.


If checked, match a nick in the Auto-Voice list.

Network or Server address

If filled, will only match the nick if the network or server address also matches the current server.

Multiple networks can be added using comma, wildcards is allowed.


If filled, will only match if the nick is on the matched channel name.

Multiple channels can be added using comma, wildcards is allowed.