{{>toc}} h1. AddEdit server dialog !addeditserver.png! h2. Hostname The hostname you want to connect to. _Usually something like irc.network.com._ h2. Port The port you want to connect to. _Usually 6667 for plain connections and 6697 for "SSL/TLS":https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Layer_Security connections._ _+port can be used to connect to "SSL/TLS":https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Layer_Security servers, *port can be used to connect using "STARTTLS":https://wiki.inspircd.org/STARTTLS_Documentation._ h2. Description A small description to use for this server. (Optional) h2. Password If multiple servers have different passwords on this network, a separate password can be set here. This password will override the global network password. h2. Enable SSL If checked or if port is defined starting with a +, AdiIRC will try connect to this server using "SSL/TLS":https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Layer_Security. h2. Enable STARTTLS If checked or if port is defined starting with a *, AdiIRC will try connect to this server using "STARTTLS":https://wiki.inspircd.org/STARTTLS_Documentation.