h1. Addressbook Control !control.png! Allows performing auto-op and auto-voice on matching hostnames/addresses on specific channels/networks. _See also [[/aop]], [[/avoice]], [[$aop]], [[$avoice]]._ h2. Enable Enables or disabled auto-op/auto-voice. h2. Op dropdown Select the auto-op list. h2. Voice dropdown Select auto-voice list. h2. Add Add a new hostname/address to the selected auto list. [[AddEdit Control|Add/Edit Address]] h2. Edit Edit a hostname/address in the selected auto list. [[AddEdit Control|Add/Edit Address]] h2. Delete Delete a hostname/address from the selected auto list. h2. Up Move the selected hostname/addresses up in the selected auto list. h2. Down Move the selected hostname/addresses down in the selected auto list. h2. Sort Sort the hostname/addresses in the selected auto list alphabetically.