Addressbook Dialog Users » History » Revision 4
Revision 3 (Per Amundsen, 12/07/2018 08:02 AM) → Revision 4/5 (Per Amundsen, 12/07/2018 08:02 AM)
h1. Addressbook Users !users.png! Add/Edit/Delete users in the address book. _See also [[/abook]], [[/uwho]], [[$abook]]._ h2. Nick The users nickname. h2. Name The users name. h2. Email The users email address. _Clicking the Email button opens the email address in the default mail program._ h2. Websites The users website address. _Clicking the Visib button opens the website address in the default browser program._ h2. Address The users hostname/address. h2. Notes Notes about the user. h2. Adding a user Type the users nickname, then press the *Add* button. h2. Deleting a user Select the user in the *Nick* dropdown, then press the *Delete* button. h2. Adding a image Click the *Browse* and select a image file. h2. Whois Performs a [[/whois]] lookup for the nick on the current active IRC server and displays the result in the [[Addressbook_Dialog_Whois|Whois]] [[Addressbook_Dialog_Whois+Whois]] tab.