h1. Addressbook Whois !whois.png! Performs whois and ctcp actions on a nickname and displays the result. _See also [[/uwho]]._ h2. Whois Click the *Whois* button to perform a [[/whois]] command on the entered nickname. h2. Add to users Click the *Add* button to add the nickname to [[Addressbook DIalog Users|address book users]]. h2. Find user Click the *Find* button will search and select the nickname in the [[Addressbook DIalog Users|address book users]]. h2. Name Displays the Realname/Fullname of the user found in the whois request. h2. Address Displays the hostname/address of the user found in the whois request. h2. Channels Displays the channel the user is joined found in the whois request. _Clicking the Copy button will copy the channels to the clipboard._ h2. Login time Displays the login time of the user found in the whois request. h2. Idle time Displays the idle time of the user found in the whois request. h2. Away Info Displays the away info of the user found in the whois request. h2. Server Info Displays the server info the user is connected to found in the whois request. _Clicking the Connect button will you connect you to that specific server._ h2. Status Displays the user status found in the whois request. h2. Ctcp reply Displays the [[/ctcp]] reply from Clicking the *Ping*, *Version*, *Time*, *Finger* buttons.