Blowfish » History » Revision 24
Revision 23 (Per Amundsen, 09/29/2015 10:01 AM) → Revision 24/90 (Per Amundsen, 09/29/2015 10:01 AM)
{{>toc}} h1. Blowfish This is a recompile of to make it work on 64 bit windows and to work with AdiIRC, source code is attached. Since this is made to inject itself into the mIRC's underlying sockets and AdiIRC is a completely different program, all events must be scripted to use the fish functions from the dll, some events is already added in the attached script, feel free to add more as needed. A proper plugin will probably be added at some point using AdiIRC API instead of a script. _Thanks to ParAd0x for creating this project._ _Compiled with OpenSSL-1_0_1j binaries from h2. How to install Use blowfish64 on 64 bits version of AdiIRC, otherwise 32 bits (type //echo -ag [[$bits]] $bits to verify). Step 1. Download the attached Step 2. Unpack into [[$adiircdir]]\Scripts\ Step 3. Type //load -rs $qt($adiircdir $+ \Scripts\fish_10.ini) h2. Script Changes 03/10/2015 Fixed an issue with sending encrypted text on some networks. 02/11/2015 Added [[$ctrlenter]] check when typing /commands. 02/02/2015 Added topic decryption and /me decryption. Added a hack for an issue where the ini file randomly is unloaded? Added prefixnick and nickcolor support to the message output.