h1. Channel List !channellist.png! The Channel List shows all the channels on the network, it can be filtered to search for specific channel names or topic. It supports [[Formatting Text|Control Codes]] in the Topics. h2. Opening the Channel List The Channel List can be opened by clicking Menubar -> Tools -> Channel List, by typing the [[/list]] command in the [[Editbox Control|Editbox]] or by pressing the %(key)ALT% + %(key)L% keys. The Channel List will also be automatically be opened when connecting to a server with no auto join channels unless the *Don't show thix box again* checkbox is checked. h2. Getting the Channel List The Channel List must be retrieved from the network, you can do that by pressing the *Get List* button, this can take a while to finish on networks with many channels. h2. Filtering To filter/search for specfic channel names or topics, enter the filter term in the *Filter channel* textbox, this can be done before or after getting the Channel List. A minimum and maximum number of users can be entered as well. h2. Join Channels To join a channel, either right-click a channel in the Channel List and click the *Join Channel* menu item or type the channel name(s) in the *Join Channels* textbox then click the *Join* button. _Channel names can be separated with comma._ h2. Add to Favorites List To add channel to the [[Favorites_Dialog|Favorites List]], right-click the Channel in the Channel List and click the *Add to Favorites* menu item. h2. Save Channel List to file To save the Channel List to a file click the *Save* button. h2. Changing Channel List font To change the Channel List font, right-click anywhere in the Channel List and click the *Change Font* menu item.