Added in 2.4

/cnick -rbfaniovpylNmNsNgw [nick[!user@host|N]|on|off] [color] [modes] [levels]

Change the items in the nick color list.


Switch Description
-r Remove a item from the nick color list.
-b Set the Address Book flag. (AdiIRC only)
-f Forces the addition of a new entry instead of updating an existing one.
-a Sets the Any Mode option.
-n Sets the No Mode option.
-i Sets the Ignore list option.
-o Sets the auto-op flag.
-v Sets the auto-voice flag.
-y Sets the Notify list option.
-lN Sets the idle time.
-mN Sets the nick color method, 1 = message, 2 = nicklist, 0 = both.
-sN Sorts the item into the Nth position in the list.
-g Indicates the [color] is in rgb format. (AdiIRC only)
-w Sets the away option. (AdiIRC only)


Parameter Description
[nick[user@host]|N] The nick/hostname to add/edit or the Nth item to remove.
[on|off] Enables or disables nick colors.
[color] If * is specified, use a random nick color, otherwise the color to use.
[modes] Channel modes to match.
[levels] User levels to match.


; Disable nick colors.
/cnick off

; Enable nick colors.
/cnick on

; Add the nick color '5' for the nick 'Nick'.
/cnick Nick 5

; Remove the nick color for the nick 'Nick'.
/cnick -r Nick