


Command line arguments » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Per Amundsen, 03/22/2017 04:07 PM) → Revision 2/9 (Per Amundsen, 03/22/2017 04:08 PM)

h1. Command line arguments 

 |-ConfigFolder <path>|Set a custom [[Config Files|config folder]].| folder]]| 
 |-cmd <command>|Runs a [[Scripting Commands|command]] on startup.| startup| 
 |irc://hostname:port/#channel|Opens a plain connection to the hostname and port, and optionally joins a #channel.| #channel| 
 |irc6://hostname:port/#channel|Opens a plain IPv6 connection to the hostname and port, and optionally joins a #channel.| #channel| 
 |ircs://hostname:port/#channel|Opens a SSL/TLS connection to the hostname and port, and optionally joins a #channel.| #channel| 
 |ircs6://hostname:port/#channel|Opens a IPv6 SSL/TLS connection to the hostname and port, and optionally joins a #channel.| #channel| 
 |xdcc://network/hostname:port/#channel/nick/#id/filename|Opens a connection connects to the hostname:port, joins the #channel and tries to request the #id/filename from the nick.| 

 _A connection is only made if no existing connection is found._