_Added in 1.9.6_ */copy -ao <filename> <filename/directory>* Copies a file to another filename or directory. *Switches* table(ktable). |*Switch*|*Description*| | -a | Appends the source file to the target file. | | -o | Overwrites the target file if it exists. | | -f | Flushes copy to disk immediately. | *Parameters* table(ktable). |*Parameter*|*Description*| | <filename> | Filename to copy from. (Can be a [[Scripting_Wildcards|wildcard]]) | | <filename/directory> | Filename or directory to copy to. | *Example*
; Copy all the files in directory 'aaa' into directory 'bbb'.
/copy aaa bbb

; Copy file 'aaa.png' into folder 'bbb'
/copy aaa.png bbb