Added in 1.8.10

/dcc fserve (TODO)
/dcc maxcps <N> (TODO)
/dcc nick -sgcf <oldnick> <newnick> (TODO)

/dcc chat|schat <nick>

Starts a regular or a secure DCC CHAT with nick.

schat requires a ssl client certificate which can be set in Options -> Server -> Certificate file or in the Serverlist.

schat is AdiIRC only.


Parameter Description
<nick> The nick to start a chat with.


; Starts a secure DCC CHAT with Nick.
/dcc schat Nick

; Starts a DCC CHAT with Nick.
/dcc chat Nick

/dcc ignore [on|off|accept|ignore]

Enables or disables the dcc filetype ignore.

See also $dccignore.


Parameter Description
[on|off|accept|ignore] Enable/disable ignore or set the ignore type.


; Enable dcc ignore accept.
/dcc ignore accept

; Disable dcc ignore.
/dcc ignore off

/dcc send|ssend [-clmn] <nick> ]file1] [file2] ... [fileN]

Starts a dcc file transfer to nick.

ssend requires a ssl client certificate which can be set in Options -> Server -> Certificate file or in the Serverlist.

ssend is AdiIRC only.


Switch Description


Parameter Description
send|ssend Starts a file transfer or a secure file transfer.
<nick> Nick to start a file transfer to.
[file1] [file2] ... [fileN] Files to transfer, if no files are defined, a select file dialog will open.


; Starts a dcc file transfer to Nick.
/dcc send Nick

/dcc reject

Reject a DCC SEND/SSEND request during a on CTCP event.


CTCP *:DCC SEND*:dcc reject

/dcc get <folder>

Redirect a DCC SEND/SSEND transfer to a the specified folder during a on CTCP event.


Parameter Description
<folder> The folder to redirect to.


CTCP *:DCC SEND*:dcc get somefolder

; Create a folder per nick.
CTCP *:DCC SEND*:dcc get $qt($getdir $+ $mkfn($nick))

/dcc passive [on | off]

Enables or disables passive DCC SEND/SSEND requests.

AdiIRC will always perform passive DCC GET.


Parameter Description
on | off Enables or disables passive DCC SEND/SSEND requests.

/dcc trust [-r] <on | off | nick | address | level>

Enable or disable auto accept transfers from a trusted user/address or user level.


Switch Description
-r Removes the matching user/address from the trust list.


Parameter Description
on | off Enables or disabled auto accept transfers from trusted users/addresses.
nick | address | level The nick/address/userlevel to trust or remove.

/dcc packetsize [N]

Sets the DCC GET/SGET/SEND/SSEND packet size to N where N is one of the numbers or the closest number to 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536.