Added in 1.9.1

/dline [-hl] <@name> <N[-N2]>

Deletes the Nth line through N2th line in a custom window.


-h - TODO
-l - TODO


<@name> - Name of the custom window.
<N[-N2]>* - The range to be deleted, (negative values are not accepted)


alias example {
  ;Open a custom window.
  /window -de @Foo

  ;Add a line, line colored in yellow. (8)
  /aline 8 @Foo Line A

  ;Add a line, color Dark Green (3)
  /aline 3 @Foo Line B

  ;Add a line, color Dark Green (3)
  /aline -s 3 @Foo Line C

  ;Add a line, color Dark Green (3)
  /aline -s 3 @Foo Line D

  ;Delete line 2 and 3 with range 2-3, only A D remain
  /dline @Foo 2-3