_Added in 1.9.0_ */drawpic -ihmnotsclgN <@window> [color] [x y w h] [N] * *Switches* -t - Indicates that you have specified the [color] RGB value as a transparent color in the specified bitmap. -s - Indicates that you have specified the first [w h] parameters to squeeze/stretch the bitmap. -c - Indicates that the bitmap should be cached. This greatly speeds up subsequent references to this bitmap. If you specify -c and the bitmap is already in the cache, it is loaded and used from the cache, otherwise it is reloaded from the file. You can clear the entire cache with /drawpic -c. -l - TODO -m - Changes the stretch mode quality when the picture is resized. -o - Indicates that you have specified the [N] value before the filename, representing the index of the icon in the file. -gN - TODO -i - TODO -h - Highlights the windows icon if it is minimized. -n - Prevents the display from being updated immediately. *Parameters* <@window> - The window name to draw. [color] - If -t is used, the RGB color used for transparency. - The x y coordinates where you want to draw, if -s is used, [w h] is the width/height that will be used to squeeze/stretch the bitmap. [x y w h] - The area in the picture to be drawn. [N] - If -o is used, the index number of the picture in the file. - The filename for the picture.