_Added in 1.9.0_ */drawsave -bNqNS <@window> [x y w h] * Saves the background picture of the specified picture @window to a file. *Switches* -bN - allows you to specify the bit depth of the saved file, which can be 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, or 32. -qN - allows you to specify the quality of the jpeg file that is being saved, where N is between 1 and 100. -S - Indicates [x y w h] is specified to save only a specific position and size of the picture. *(AdiIRC only)* *Parameters* <@window> - Window name to save from. [x y w h] - The position and size from the picture to save, used with -S. *(AdiIRC only)* - Filename to save to.