_Added in 1.9.0_ */drawtext -hnrpbocvd <@window> [color] [fontname fontsize] * Draws text at the specified co-ordinates. *Switches* -p - Processes and interprets control codes in the text. -b - Indicates that you have specified the second color parameter as the background color for the text. -o - Indicates specified font should be in bold. -c - Indicates that you have specified the [w h] values as the rectangle in which text should be printed. Text will be clipped if it extends beyond this rectangle. -h - Highlights the windows icon if it is minimized. -n - Prevents the display from being updated immediately. -r - Indicates that the colors are in [[$rgb]] format. -v - Indicates &binvar is specified. -d - *TODO* *Parameters* <@window> - Name of the window to draw. - The textcolor. [color] - The background color, if -b has been specified. [fontname fontsize] - The name of the font and the size of the font. - The coordinate of the text. - The text or text from a &binvar to draw. *Example*
alias testdrawtext {
  window -p @win
  drawtext @win 4 Verdana 11 0 0 Hello World