Editor Options » History » Revision 2
Revision 1 (Per Amundsen, 03/26/2021 09:18 PM) → Revision 2/4 (Per Amundsen, 03/26/2021 09:18 PM)
{{>toc}} h1. Editor Options !editoroptions.png! There are various options in the Editor which affects various features. h2. Initialization warning If enabled, loading new scripts in the [[Scripteditor_Dialog|Script Editor}} which contains a [[on START]] or [[on LOAD]] event will ask to execute these events. h2. Ask To Save Files If enabled, AdiIRC will ask before closing a editor if there are unsaved changes. h2. Monitor File Changes. if enabled, AdiIRC will monitor all loaded vars/users/menu/aliases/script files for file changes and ask for confirmation before reloading them. h2. Backup Files On Save If enabled, AdiIRC will first write to a temporary file the copy the temporary file over the target file. h2. Indent Format On Exit If enabled, AdiIRC will perform *check bracket* on the file when the edit is closed. The check bracket feature indents the code with whitespaces according to the bracket { } level and displays a warning if there are mismatched number of brackets. (the warning is suppressed on closing) This: <pre> alias myalias { command1 command2 if (1 == 1) { command3 command4 } } </pre> becomes this: <pre> alias myalias { command1 command2 if (1 == 1) { command3 command4 } } </pre>