{{>toc}} h1. FAQ/FSS h5. (Frequently Said Statements) h2. I can't see emoji/some symbols If you ever experience an issue with displaying unicode characters (which is not just an encoding issue), try enable [[Options_Dialog|Options]] -> [[Messages_Options|Messages]] -> [[Messages_Options#Use-alternative-text-rendering|Use alternative text rendering]]. h2. How do I auth/identify before I join? If you need to be authed with nickserv before joining a channel, you can use the [[/sleep]] (or [[/timer]]) command in your serverlist "Run these commands on connect" field:
/msg nickserv identify 
/sleep 3 /join #channel1,#channel2
/sleep 3, means wait 3 seconds before running the following command. _The new serverlist has this feature built-in as well as "SASL":http://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/sasl-3.1.html support which makes this a non issue._ h2. Why doesn't Ctrl-C work? When you select text from the message buffer, AdiIRC will automatically copy the text to the clipboard when you release the left mouse button. If you prefer to manually press %(key)CTRL% + %(key)C%, you can go to [[Options_Dialog|Options]] -> [[Messages_Options|Messages]] and disable [[Messages_Options#AutoCopy-selected-text-to-Clipboard|AutoCopy selected text to Clipboard]] and [[Messages_Options#AutoFocus-Editbox|AutoFocus Editbox]]. _These options might be merged into one soon as well as a feature to ask which method to use._ h2. TLS isn't working on a server! If you experience problems connecting to a TLS only server, you can try the ".NET 4.5":http://adiirc.com/download.php version which has support for TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2. h2. How do I change my version? You can disable or change the CTCP VERSION reply using the [[on CTCP|CTCP event]] in a small script. This can be used for any CTCP request.
; Disable CTCP version reply.

; Reply with a custom version.
CTCP *:VERSION:*:ctcpreply $nick IRC Version 42 | halt
h2. How do I disable the popups/notifications?!?!? Tips for various events can be disabled in [[Options_Dialog|Options]] -> [[Tips_Options|Tips]], to disable highlight tips, go to [[Options_Dialog|Options]] -> [[Highlights_Options|Highlights]], in the listbox area select "$me", then click the "Edit" button, uncheck "Tip message" and click "Save". h2. I hear a beep when I get highlighted, I don't like it. Go to [[Options_Dialog|Options]] -> [[Highlights_Options|Highlights]], in the listbox area select "$me", then click the "Edit" button, set the sound dropdown to "No sound" and click "Save". h2. How do I use CERTFP, PEM files, etc with AdiIRC. AdiIRC supports only "PFX":https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PKCS_12 certificates, you can convert a "PEM":https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privacy-enhanced_Electronic_Mail certificate to "PFX":https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PKCSusing using this "openssl":https://www.openssl.org/ format:
openssl pkcs12 -export -out mynick.pfx -in mynick.pem
For creating a new certificate, have a look "here":http://help.globalscape.com/help/secureserver3/Generating_a_PKCS_12_private_key_public_certificate.htm h2. I want to use the beta! To update to a beta release, just type [[/betaup]]. h2. How do I rearrange the toolbar items? There is a tiny "|" separator to the right, if you right click the Toolbar and choose "Customize", you are able to drag the item to the right of that border. !shot_160503_110837.png! h2. My BNC starts up so slow on AdiIRC! Things you can try: * Make sure you are using latest beta. * Reduce Options -> Messages -> Max buffer. * Disable Options -> Monitor -> Monitor Channels/Servers. * Type "/setoption Links CaptureLinks False" to disable capturing links. * Disable Options -> Windows -> Focus newly opened windows. * Disable/reduce channel backgrounds. * Disable/reduce emoticons. * Disable/reduce highlights. * Disable/reduce nick colors. * Disable/reduce [[on TEXT]] and [[on PARSELINE]] scripts. * Disable Options -> Logging-> Log channels. * Make sure [[Options_Dialog|Options]] -> [[Messages_Options|Messages]] -> [[Messages_Options#Use-alternative-text-rendering|Use alternative text rendering]] is unchecked. * Make sure channel/main window is as large as possible (or smaller font) to avoid word wrapping. * Use fixed size message font. h2. How do I make it so /server connects with ...? The default options used when connecting with [[/server]] or from Menubar -> File -> New window can be changed in [[Options_Dialog|Options]] -> [[Quick Connect Options|Quick Connect]]. h2. I'm connecting to a server and it lags on 'Checking Ident ... Hostname' / How do I get rid of the '~' in me!~bleh@my.isp.com Some networks tries to scan your port 113 to see if you have a [[Identd]] server running, if the port is closed or the identd server is not running, it can take a while for the scan to timeout, make sure [[Identd]] server is enabled in [[Options_Dialog|Options]] -> [[Server_Options|Server]] and that port 113 is open in your firewall and router. (AdiIRC does not yet support "UPNP":https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Plug_and_Play). h2. These monitors take up so much space / How do I move the monitors to their own window? When "Lock Bars" is disabled (right click any menubar/toolbar/switchbar/statusbar/treebar to enable/disable) you can left-click the header of the monitor panel or a tab and move it with the mouse, if you release the mouse in the middle of the AdiIRC main window, the monitor will become a standalone window. The window can be docked inside AdiIRC as a regular channel window by pressing CTRL + D. You can also undock the monitor panel into a window by right-clicking the header or tab and choose "Undock".