


Formatting text » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Per Amundsen, 05/17/2015 02:18 AM) → Revision 3/83 (Per Amundsen, 05/17/2015 02:18 AM)


 h1. Formatting text 

 AdiIRC supports control codes for formatting text. 

 h1. Colorchar 

 [[$chr]](3) [[$chr](3) - Ctrl + K - Colors blocks of text. 

 h1. Boldchar  

 [[$chr]](2) - Ctrl + B - Makes the block bold. 

 h1. Italicchar  

 [[$chr]](29) - Ctrl + I - Makes the block italic. 

 h1. Underlinechar  

 [[$chr]](31) - Ctrl + U - Makes the block underline. 

 h1. Stopchar  

 [[$chr]](15) - Ctrl + O - Stops all formatting. 

 Alternative colorchar  

 [[$chr]](61442) - Alternative way to show any color.h1.