


Getting Involved » History » Revision 9

Revision 8 (Per Amundsen, 07/28/2016 07:43 PM) → Revision 9/14 (Per Amundsen, 07/29/2016 10:13 AM)


 h1. Getting Involved 

 If you want to help make AdiIRC better, here is some things you can do. 

 h2. Learn to make and share scripts 

 Users are always looking for new cool scripts or help creating scripts. 

 h2. Learn to make and share plugins 

 Plugins are much more powerful than scripts and have the entire ".NET framework": behind it. 

 h2. Create and share color themes 

 There is a lot of options for customizing AdiIRC, sharing a color theme/options is a great way to let other users get started. 

 h2. Translating 

 Help translate AdiIRC into your native language, it doesn't have to be perfect, translating can be done at 

 h2. Writing Documentation/Guides 

 Creating guides to follow or documenting some specific behavior can be very helpful for other users. (Ask for wiki access if needed) 

 h2. Find and report bugs 

 Reporting and fixing bugs is very important and helps everybody. 

 h2. Suggest new features 

 If you can think of a feature other clients have or something new you want to see in AdiIRC, feel free to open a issue with the suggestion. 

 h2. Help other users 

 Hang around #adiirc on or the "forum": to help answer questions.