Highlights Options » History » Revision 19
Revision 18 (Per Amundsen, 08/24/2018 12:43 AM) → Revision 19/27 (Per Amundsen, 09/28/2018 10:16 AM)
h1. Highlights Options
_See also [[/highlight]], [[$highlight]]._
h2. Use highlight
Enables or disables the highlight system.
h2. Highlight entire line
Entire message line will be colored in the matched highlight color instead of just the word.
%{color:#FF0000}[42:42] <Nick2> I am highlighting your Nick%
[42:42] <Nick2> I am highlighting your %{color:#FF0000}Nick%
h2. Enabled notice alert
If enabled and the current window is not the window where the highlight occurred, a notice showing the highlight message, from who and where will be shown in your active window.
%{color:#AA0000}<notextile>[42:42] -Highlight Alert- Nick2: I am highlighting your Nick (Freenode/#adiirc)</notextile>%
h2. Flash icons
Enable or disable flashing of icons in Treebar/Switchbar
h2. Flash text
Enable or disable flashing of text in Treebar/Switchbar
h2. Enable sounds
Enables or disables sounds/beep for all highlight words.
h2. Only play sounds if AdiIRC is not focused
If enabled, highlight sounds will only be played when AdiIRC is not focused/the active window, otherwise they will always play.
h2. Enable tips
Enables or disables Tip messages for all highlight words.
h2. Ignore highlights if more than [X] nicks are highlighted
If enabled, highlights will not be triggered on messages which includes more than [X] nicks in the current channel.
h2. Animate Trayicon on Highlights
The # in the trayicon will flash/blink between white and black when you are highlighted.
h2. Animate Trayicon on Private Message
The # in the trayicon will flash/blink between white and black when you receive a private message.
h2. Animate Trayicon on Channel Message
The # in the trayicon will flash/blink between white and black when a channel receives a message.
h2. Whois on Highlights
Sends a /whois nick request whenever you are highlighted.
_There is a internal delay to avoid triggering every time you are highlighted from the same nick._
h2. Whois on Private Message
Sends a /whois nick request whenever you receive a private message.
_There is a internal delay to avoid triggering every time you receive a message from the same nick._
h2. Flash main window/taskbar on Highlights
Enables or disables flashing main window in the Taskbar when you are highlighted for all highlight words.
h2. Flash main window/taskbar on Private Message
Enables or disables flashing main window in the Taskbar when you receive a private message.
h2. Flash main window/taskbar on Channel Message
Enables or disables flashing main window in the Taskbar when someone types a message on a channel.
h2. Highlight list
[[Add/Edit Highlight Dialog]]
h2. Ignore highlights from channel/private windows
All highlight options will be ignored on channel or private windows in this list.