h1. IRC Channels The official #adiirc channel is now on "Libera.Chat":https://libera.chat/. But AdiIRC does have some notable unofficial channels or other related channels on other networks h3. Official/Officially Owned Channels * "Libera.Chat":https://libera.chat/ - "#adiirc":irc://irc.libera.chat/#adiirc h3. Unofficial Channels * "ElectroCode":http://electrocode.net/ - "#AdiIRC":irc://irc.electrocode.net/#AdiIRC * "NordicIRC":https://nordicirc.com - "#AdiIRC":irc://irc.nordicirc.com/#AdiIRC * "DALnet":https://www.dal.net/servers/ - "#AdiIRC":irc://irc.dal.net/#AdiIRC * "Atrum":http://atrum.org/ - "#AdiIRC":irc://irc.atrum.org/#AdiIRC * "Rizon":https://rizon.net/ - "#AdiIRC":irc://irc.rizon.net/#AdiIRC h3. Don't ask to ask. When you join any of these channels, *Do Not* just join and say 'anyone here', 'i have a question', or similar things, just tell the channel what you're having a problem with and if someone knows how to help and has time, they will help you. h2. Client Bugs / Issues If its a Bug or other kind of issue with AdiIRC, submit an issue here. Include as much information as possible, preferably with steps to reproduce from a fresh adiirc installation.