_Added in 1.9.9_ */ialmark [-nrw] [name] [text]* Marks the IAL entry for a nickname with the specified text. _See also [[$ialmark]], [[$ial]]._ *Switches* -n - Indicates [name] is defined, If -n is not Defined, the default name 'default' is used. -r - Removes the mark. -w - Indicates [name] is a [[Scripting_Wildcards|wildcard]]. *Parameters* - Nick to mark. [name] - Name of the mark. [Text] - Text to mark. *Example*
; Mark the nick 'Nick' with the text 'Hello World'.
/ialmark Nick Hello World

; Print the mark.
//echo -ag $ial(Nick).mark

; Sets a mark for the nick 'nick' with the name 'markname' and the text 'mark text'.
/ialmark -n nick markname mark text

; Retrieve the mark text for the name 'markname'.
//echo -ag $ialmark(nick, markname)