{{>toc}} h1. Links Options h2. Open links in Default browser When enabled, opens all clicked links in your default browser. h2. Open links in custom browser When enabled, opens all clicked links with the specified program using the link as a parameter. h2. Use custom link color When enabled uses the link color set in [[Options Dialog|Options]] -> [[Colors Options|Colors]] to make regular links stand out. h2. Use custom link font style When enabled uses the font style set in [[Options Dialog|Options]] -> [[Fonts Options|Fonts]] to make regular links stand out. h2. Use custom channel link color When enabled uses the link color set in [[Options Dialog|Options]] -> [[Colors Options|Colors]] to make channel names stand out. h2. Use custom channel link font style When enabled uses the font style set in [[Options Dialog|Options]] -> [[Fonts Options|Fonts]] to make channel names stand out. h2. Open links with single click When enabled, opens all clicked links with just a single click instead of double click. h2. Show warning when opening a link When enabled, shows a warning every time a link is clicked.