{{>toc}} h1. Matchtarget A is a text pattern that AdiIRC will use to compare with a target window during a [[Scripting_Events|scripting event]]. Different events have different valid window locations. = - Defines dcc chat window location. @ - Defines custom window location. ? - Defines query location. # - Defines channel location. * - Defines any window location. %var - A [[Scripting_Variables|variable]] containing a window or a list of window is also acceptable. *Example*
; Subscribe to the TEXT event and if #channel, matches the target channel, print a text.
on *:TEXT:*:#channel:echo -ag #channel matched.

; Set a target variable.
set %target #channel

; Subscribe to the TEXT event and if #channel, matches the target channel, print a text.
on *:TEXT:*:%target:echo -ag #channel matched.