_Added in 1.9.3_ */nicklist [-bN|-dflor] [#channel]* Enables/disables Nicklist. *Switches* -bN - Hides Nicklist buttons if N is 0, shows Nicklist buttons if N is 1. -f - Reset default Nicklist settings. -d - Reset Nicklist on the specified channel to default settings. -l - Show Nicklist on the specified channel in left side. -r - Show Nicklist on the specified channel in right side. -o - Hide Nicklist on the specified channel. -s - Used with -l -r -o so set that as default for all Nicklist's. *Parameters* [#channel] - Channel to modify Nicklist. *Example*
; Shows the Nicklist on '#channel' on left side.
/nicklist -l #channel

; Reset the Nicklist on '#channel' to use the default Nicklist settings.
/nicklist -d #channel

; Change the default for all Nicklist's to show on left side.
/nicklist -ls

; Reset the default Nicklist settings to the original defaults.
/nicklist -f